Changing Perceptions
It’s one of those things that we talk about often but I don’t think we truly use rest and the magnitude in which it holds us.
Wikipedia says- Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment. All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system.
Or easier stated: a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.
I am finding that my perception of life is actually how I experience it.
So if I am wanting to experience something different then I get to change my perception.
It seems so easy right?
But we become accustomed to our perceptions. We learn to see life through them.
This week I have been taught this in so many ways. An analogies, Therapy, prayers.
And I appreciate that when God wants to teach me something he always starts with an analogy.
So we will start there.
So we drive a 12 seater van. You know- like the Amazon van. Lol. But it’s my daily car. And I love it. Truly I have never loved a car so much. It has taken me and my kids on hundreds of adventures. It fits in extra bodies, extra luggage and extra space!!
Due to our amount of adventures and probably due to living in the country with dirt roads, our huge windshield was destroyed. Cracks that were looked like bullet shots. And these cracks extended from corner to corner.
And I have driven like this for a year!! A year I have driven looking through deep cracks on my windshield.
At first it was annoying but I got used to it.
It was fine. I could still see. I would just look through the cracks.
Until this week. I finally made the appointment and got my whole windshield replaced.
When I got into the car for the first time after it was repaired, I sat in awe. The kids all marveled!! The world looked so different!! It was so clean. It was so clear! It was so easy for my eyes to see since they didn’t have to look through so many cracks.
And in that moment of marveling, I felt this analogy brewing.
But it wasn’t until I went to therapy this week that I saw it all click.
As I am working through healing deeper levels of trauma, and as I am moving through healing the Cycles that were connected to trauma I saw something.
That I have been used to perceiving the world a certain way. Due to the trauma that got stuck inside of my brain patterns, I have perceive the works through a certain perception.
Not one that has truly served me and not one that was necessarily true.
A cracked version of seeing the world.
And I got used to it.
But as things get cleared up, my perception is changing.
And as my perception changes, my life gets to be different.
How many times are we viewing life through a cracked window of perception?
Is it the perception that you can’t succeed, that you’re not loveable, or maybe that you don’t do things right.
Whatever that perception is- even though it is cracked and full of illusion- we view all of life through those cracks.
Leaving us in repetitive cycles and getting the same results over and over.
One of the ways out of the cycles was reminded to me this week. I felt inspired to pull up my fav book by Abraham Hicks. It’s called- Money and the law of attraction.
Why they do talk about how to attract abundance on your life in this book- it’s actually not what this book is about. It is based on how to call in and receive all that you want in your life.
And listening to it is one of the fastest ways I can raise my vibrations.
So I pushed play and was reminded of this easy tool that has helped me shift my current perception over and over again.
It is the tool of noticing what you don’t want in any given situation. And then once you see what you don’t want- to then name what you DO want.
It sounds so easy. Too easy right?
But it is the fastest way I have found moves me from a cracked perception that has me feeling hopeless and unhappy to a perception that leads me to freedom and joy.
For example- imagine getting in a fight with someone you love. In that moment your perception might be something like- “this always happens. I always do it wrong and no one can ever love me.”
That perception is full of cracks and lies. But when you view life from that place over and over, you don’t notice the cracks. You instead see like through those cracks.
So if you were to use this tool taught by Abraham Hicks you would then-
1. Notice what you don’t want in that moment.
2. It’s probably something like- I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to be sad. I don’t want to feel rejected and angry.
Then ask yourself-
What do I want?
It could sound like this-
I want to be happy. I want to be loved. I want to have healthy relationships with strong communication.
When you start to state what you want it allows you to now perceive life differently.
When you perceive it differently, you will receive different signals to your nervous system, allowing you to feel differently, and in the end giving you different results.
It can be very easy to get caught up in our human problems. It is easy to get snagged back into old cycles of suffering and pain.
I know. I’ve watched my system want to shift back and resume the old cycles of pain and suffering.
But I also know the power of remembering who we really are.
We are so much more than these bodies.
We are so much more than these human moments and so much more than suffering.
We are Beings of light.
We are expansive spirits who have powerful and deeply meaningful purposes to live out on this earth.
And when we remember who we really are- our perception shifts again.
We begin to see out a clear window instead of a cracked window.
And if we spend time each morning with the Divine — with God, with Christ, with the divine mother, with your angels- with your divine team- you will remember easier.
They will remind you of who you are.
And as you remember- life will only expand in more light.
As you choose to focus on what you want verses what you don’t want- you will be happier.
And when we allow ourselves to be happy- we don’t get snagged by the addiction of suffering or the illusions that keep us off our purpose track.
When we are happy- we live our purpose deeper and life becomes richer.
So today my hope is that this conversation sparks some new insights and awakened a remembrance of who you are.
And that this week will be a week of clear windows, of living the life you want and letting go of old perceptions that no longer serve you.
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If you want to get access to my Altar Tool Practice for free, click here.Perception
It’s one of those things that we talk about often but I don’t think we truly use rest and the magnitude in which it holds us.
Wikipedia says- Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment. All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system.
Or easier stated: a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.
I am finding that my perception of life is actually how I experience it.
So if I am wanting to experience something different then I get to change my perception.
It seems so easy right?
But we become accustomed to our perceptions. We learn to see life through them.
This week I have been taught this in so many ways. An analogies, Therapy, prayers.
And I appreciate that when God wants to teach me something he always starts with an analogy.
So we will start there.
So we drive a 12 seater van. You know- like the Amazon van. Lol. But it’s my daily car. And I love it. Truly I have never loved a car so much. It has taken me and my kids on hundreds of adventures. It fits in extra bodies, extra luggage and extra space!!
Due to our amount of adventures and probably due to living in the country with dirt roads, our huge windshield was destroyed. Cracks that were looked like bullet shots. And these cracks extended from corner to corner.
And I have driven like this for a year!! A year I have driven looking through deep cracks on my windshield.
At first it was annoying but I got used to it.
It was fine. I could still see. I would just look through the cracks.
Until this week. I finally made the appointment and got my whole windshield replaced.
When I got into the car for the first time after it was repaired, I sat in awe. The kids all marveled!! The world looked so different!! It was so clean. It was so clear! It was so easy for my eyes to see since they didn’t have to look through so many cracks.
And in that moment of marveling, I felt this analogy brewing.
But it wasn’t until I went to therapy this week that I saw it all click.
As I am working through healing deeper levels of trauma, and as I am moving through healing the Cycles that were connected to trauma I saw something.
That I have been used to perceiving the world a certain way. Due to the trauma that got stuck inside of my brain patterns, I have perceive the works through a certain perception.
Not one that has truly served me and not one that was necessarily true.
A cracked version of seeing the world.
And I got used to it.
But as things get cleared up, my perception is changing.
And as my perception changes, my life gets to be different.
How many times are we viewing life through a cracked window of perception?
Is it the perception that you can’t succeed, that you’re not loveable, or maybe that you don’t do things right.
Whatever that perception is- even though it is cracked and full of illusion- we view all of life through those cracks.
Leaving us in repetitive cycles and getting the same results over and over.
One of the ways out of the cycles was reminded to me this week. I felt inspired to pull up my fav book by Abraham Hicks. It’s called- Money and the law of attraction.
Why they do talk about how to attract abundance on your life in this book- it’s actually not what this book is about. It is based on how to call in and receive all that you want in your life.
And listening to it is one of the fastest ways I can raise my vibrations.
So I pushed play and was reminded of this easy tool that has helped me shift my current perception over and over again.
It is the tool of noticing what you don’t want in any given situation. And then once you see what you don’t want- to then name what you DO want.
It sounds so easy. Too easy right?
But it is the fastest way I have found moves me from a cracked perception that has me feeling hopeless and unhappy to a perception that leads me to freedom and joy.
For example- imagine getting in a fight with someone you love. In that moment your perception might be something like- “this always happens. I always do it wrong and no one can ever love me.”
That perception is full of cracks and lies. But when you view life from that place over and over, you don’t notice the cracks. You instead see like through those cracks.
So if you were to use this tool taught by Abraham Hicks you would then-
1. Notice what you don’t want in that moment.
2. It’s probably something like- I don’t want to fight. I don’t want to be sad. I don’t want to feel rejected and angry.
Then ask yourself-
What do I want?
It could sound like this-
I want to be happy. I want to be loved. I want to have healthy relationships with strong communication.
When you start to state what you want it allows you to now perceive life differently.
When you perceive it differently, you will receive different signals to your nervous system, allowing you to feel differently, and in the end giving you different results.
It can be very easy to get caught up in our human problems. It is easy to get snagged back into old cycles of suffering and pain.
I know. I’ve watched my system want to shift back and resume the old cycles of pain and suffering.
But I also know the power of remembering who we really are.
We are so much more than these bodies.
We are so much more than these human moments and so much more than suffering.
We are Beings of light.
We are expansive spirits who have powerful and deeply meaningful purposes to live out on this earth.
And when we remember who we really are- our perception shifts again.
We begin to see out a clear window instead of a cracked window.
And if we spend time each morning with the Divine — with God, with Christ, with the divine mother, with your angels- with your divine team- you will remember easier.
They will remind you of who you are.
And as you remember- life will only expand in more light.
As you choose to focus on what you want verses what you don’t want- you will be happier.
And when we allow ourselves to be happy- we don’t get snagged by the addiction of suffering or the illusions that keep us off our purpose track.
When we are happy- we live our purpose deeper and life becomes richer.
So today my hope is that this conversation sparks some new insights and awakened a remembrance of who you are.
And that this week will be a week of clear windows, of living the life you want and letting go of old perceptions that no longer serve you.
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If you want to get access to my Altar Tool Practice for free, click here.