How to Awaken and Nourish Your Dreams

Keira Poulsen
6 min readAug 8, 2019


How often have you found yourself waiting? Waiting for the light to turn green at the intersection, waiting for the grocery line to move faster, or waiting to pick up your children at school? All of these places that we find ourselves in the “waiting” can add tension and frustration. But, how about those times when you are waiting for a dream to happen? Have you been there before? You know — the space between the prayers and the answers. I like to call this, the holding place. Because waiting is usually an aggravated place for us, I think we automatically get frustrated when we are waiting for a dream to become a reality.

I think we find ourselves in the holding space far more than in the space of manifested dreams and passions. We want to discount this space of waiting, we want to hurry it up, move through it quickly and arrive at our dream as fast as we can.

I believe that this holding place can be experienced in 2 different ways.

1) You can experience the holding place in doubt, fear, stagnation, and upset. This can be where we doubt ourselves, we doubt God, and we even begin to doubt the dream.

2) Or, this can be a space of massive growth, nourishment and excitement!

Since, we are all pretty familiar with experience #1, I want to focus on how we can create experience #2.

Dreams are like seeds. Sometimes the ideas or insights we have been inspired to create are just like seeds that take a while to sprout.

I have a bit of a fascination with seeds. It started a few years ago when I decided to not plant full grown flowers into my flower garden, but instead I planted flowers from seeds.

I watched with pure delight as some of the seeds sprouted instantly. Their little green sprout pushing their way up through the dirt. It was extraordinary!

But sadly, there many seeds that never sprouted. Months and months later, while I was watering my flower garden, I noticed that new buds were sprouting up! I was so surprised because I thought those seeds had gone bad. The truth was, when I had planted them, it wasn’t their time to sprout. They needed more time for nourishment in the soil and they needed the environment above the soil to be different. And so, they waited until the time was right before they sprouted and grew.

This is the same for our dreams. We need to trust that they were planted in our hearts for a purpose, and they will grow when it is their time and their season to sprout.

Our only job is to keep them nourished.

Just like a seed that is under the earth who receives no water will not sprout, a dream that is no longer fed, will not be brought forward.

Each seed is different. Just like each dream is different.

The seed of a Texas Mountain Laurel flower can rest in the soil for up to 10 years before it blossoms into the beautiful purple flowers.

Some seeds are huge and produce smaller plants while other seeds are tiny and grow to be enormous trees.

Just like the redwood trees, trees that can grow up to 350 feet high come from a seed the size of a freckle.

That is truly remarkable.

It is in the nourishment of the seed that allows the growth and the end result to be possible. This is the very same with our dreams. They must be nourished to be brought into reality.

But, how do we nourish them?

These are 4 ways to nourish your dreams until it is time for them to sprout.

Let’s look at the first step in nourishing your dream.

Breathing life into your dream each day.

If you were to see a deflated balloon on a table, it would just be collapsed rubber. But, if you were to breathe air into the balloon, it becomes a completely different object.

When you breathe life into your dream, it changes from an idea into a manifested existence. The way to do this is to visualize it.Take a few minutes each day to see it, experience it in your mind, and feel how this dream would feel in your reality. Remember what it was like as a child when you would play pretend. Pretend as though this dream has already happened. Let your body feel the truth of this dream; let your mind see this dream. This will breathe life into your dream in a powerful and profound way.

Speak your dream into existence.

I would first suggest creating some sort of morning routine. A routine that is sacred for you and allows you to take inventory mentally and spiritually every single day. In that morning routine, I want you to speak your dreams out loud. Say them as if they have already occurred. And then, to add extra power express how grateful you are for that dream happening in your life.

Share your dream.

This one is tricky because it is scary to share your dream. There is the fear that it will be mocked, or it won’t be supported. Yet, to not share it is to suffocate the dream.

You would never plant a seed in a pile of thorns. Don’t share your dream with people who can’t hear it.

Find people in your life who are a safe and beautiful place to nourish the seeds of your dream. It is with these people that you can share your dream and allow it to find oxygen and space with them.

Declare your Dream!

A declaration is a powerful way to clear out the doubt, the fear, and the mess. It is a way to blast light into a dark room.

Declare your dream to be true. Declare that it is so. Declare that you are a YES for it!

These are powerful ways to nourish your dreams so that they may sprout when it is their time.

Each dream is different. Each insight and inspiration show up with its own time line and its one ability to crack open when it is ready.

This is the same for seeds. There are a few trees like the pine tree or the eucalyptus tree that have a strange and particular way that their seeds release. The only way for these seeds to be released to germinate and create more trees is through wild fire.

The seeds are sealed up in a resin that can only be released by the heat of a fire! This may sound extreme and intense…. yet, this supports one of my deepest beliefs. And that belief is that trauma can be the thing that actives and awakens our gifts, our dreams and our purpose.

It is because trauma is our fire. It is the thing that can truly break open some of our most precious and valuable gifts that wouldn’t have been able to show up any other way.

The purpose of wild fire is for these seeds to crack open and create, while the purpose of our pain is to crack us open and allow our dreams to come forward.

Pain is the activator. It is the releaser. It is the missing piece to manifesting our dreams; if we allow it.

So today when you finish reading this article, I want you to look at all the “seeds” you have been given. What dreams have you forgotten, what insights have you lost or ignored, what is your Divine purpose that you possibly lost hope in? Could you breathe life back into these? Perhaps, did they need a 10-year rest? Or maybe, could you use the pain that you’ve been pushing away to crack them open?

My hope for you is that today you speak life back into these dreams. My intention is to help you through the waiting place by teaching you how to nourish the seeds that aren’t ready to bloom.

Most importantly, I hope that this message wakes up hope and faith in your heart. I want to remind you that you are extraordinary. No matter how small you may feel, I want you to remember that the largest trees in North America begin from the seed the size of a freckle.

I want you to remember that you have been given dreams that are only for you to create and to birth into this world.

I want you to remember that the waiting place is a space of rest, nourishment and excitement for the growth that is ahead.

Call To Action

I believe that each one of has a desire to live greater and more meaningful lives. I also believe that stress and overwhelm can really get in the way of that. To help you move through the stress, I have created a short meditation that is designed to help you release the stress.

Click the link below to get this free meditation.

Healing Meditation

If you want to know more about my work you can follow me on Instagram- @keirapoulsen or on my website-



Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen

Written by Keira Poulsen

Keira is a spiritual entrepreneurship coach, and the founder of Freedom House Publishing Co. She helps women write, publish and create successful businesses.

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