How to Stay in the Flow of Momentum

Keira Poulsen
5 min readJul 17, 2021


It’s the river of goodness that, once you have dipped your toes into it, you dream of spending your days bathing in it.

But, as wonderful as it is, it can be similar to fog. One minute there, the next minute — gone.

And so, the quest begins of how to stay in the flow of momentum.

As I work with writers, podcasters, course creators, and coaches, this conversation is one we often dive into. The flow of momentum is highly coveted. It’s the destination that is always calling us forward.

So how do we stay in the flow?

I find that many writers will jump into the flow of writing, and then, as life gets noisy, they step out of that flow. They put their work away — out of sight, out of mind; never to be completed. The ghost of a book, always haunting their minds.

I see podcasters that start with a powerful message, exuding energy and excitement, only to lose momentum after 10 episodes and let their podcast fizzle out.

And digital courses can be the black hole for creators. The idea for a course will appear, along with the dream of impacting thousands of people. But only a few classes in… and it gets pushed into the creative storage closet.

These situations are tragedies. The ideas that were inspired and given to you deserve more than that.

Your ideas are here to make waves. They are here to change lives.

Imagine if your favorite book — you know, the one that changed your life forever — had never been written.

What about the podcast with the perfect message that spoke to you the day you were feeling lost and hopeless?

What if the podcaster had quit before they spoke those words and you never received that message?

And what about that course you loved?

Maybe it taught you new ways of being or it radically changed your business or it taught you how to heal.

What if it never existed?

You wouldn’t be where you are right now if you hadn’t heard those words. You wouldn’t be where you are right now if that message had never been created.

And so it is with you.

There are people who need your work.

They need the book that is deep within your soul. They need the podcast that has been calling to you. And they need the course that you know you want to write.

Your words, whether spoken or written, will change a person from the inside out.

You will change someone’s life.

So, how do we go from dipping our toes into momentum to swimming in this golden river every day?

It is actually quite simple.

There are 3 main steps to staying into the flow of momentum:

1. Have a Sacred Space to tune into the Divine each morning to receive daily inspiration and guidance.

2. Remember the passion of your WHY. Why do you want to share this message? Feel that passion daily.

3. Consistency. Show up over and over again, even in the midst of life’s challenges and self-doubt.

Sacred Space

I always speak on this subject because it is the foundation of my life. When I began a daily morning practice of Sacred Space, my life changed. Every aspect of who I was shifted for the better.

I believe deeply in the importance of starting out our day by connecting to our higher self and to our higher power.

I believe it is here that we are Divinely inspired with the messages, the ideas, and the insight that will help us find momentum.

Feeling Your Why

Everyone talks about finding your “why.” It might seem a bit overplayed, but… isn’t that more proof to its importance?

When you can find WHY you want to write the book, or WHY you feel inspired to create a podcast, or WHY the digital course is enticing you to produce it, then the actions become easier.

And when you FEEL the passion of your why, it’s like blowing up the raft you will lay on while floating down the river of momentum.

Feeling your passion daily will clear the path for you to create. It will ignite the fire within your soul and let you leave the stagnant waters of procrastination far behind.

This is the pathway to being in momentum.


This final step is crucial. It is the step that is easily pushed away, and yet, it is the magnet that pulls you towards momentum faster than anything else.

One of the hardest things at the beginning of every business — at the start of writing your first book, launching your first podcast, or creating your first course — is that there is little to no feedback from the world.

There is only the sound of crickets.

Sometimes, you will feel that no one is reading, no is listening, and no is one purchasing.

So, it is HARD to stay consistent.

It is hard to stay consistent when it feels like nothing is being received.

But it is imperative.

The consistency is the only way to stay in momentum.

It can either aid you in your success or mark the end of your creation.

Consistency is what allows for more insights to appear. It is the zone that cultivates your genius. It is the current of this brilliant river of momentum.

Showing up every day to write, even when you don’t know who will read it. Making the time to record the podcast, even if only 2 people are listening.

Finishing your digital course, even if no one buys it right away.

This is consistency. And this is the ingredient that will serve you and your work.

If you are ready to stop slipping in and out of flow, I invite you to put these 3 practices into place.

Trust the process.

And know that the world needs your work.

You are here for a reason.

Don’t let your old patterns keep you stuck.

Instead, implement these new patterns and watch as the flow of momentum wraps you in goodness and success!

And… if you want a guide on Sacred Space, I have beautiful 7 day training HERE.



Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen

Written by Keira Poulsen

Keira is a spiritual entrepreneurship coach, and the founder of Freedom House Publishing Co. She helps women write, publish and create successful businesses.

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