Let there be hope.

Keira Poulsen
3 min readMar 26, 2020


It has been 14 days.

14 days of the world being in massive upheaval and panic.

The Coronavirus has taken ahold of this world.

Whether you believe this virus is real or not, the fear pandemic has occurred, and it is impacting every aspect of human life on every continent and country.

Some states are going into full lockdown. The Vegas strip is silent. The parks are empty. The dentists have closed their doors, and jobs that once felt stable, have now been rocked.

The store shelves are bare.

Parking lots are now becoming ghost towns as each business is being forced to close.

Schools are shut down.

Parents are working from home.

Life as we once knew it has changed over night.

The fear is crippling for most.

The panic is as contagious or more so than the virus that is invisibly taking over the world, as the scariest and most powerful tyrant we have ever seen.

There is no rest for the fearful heart except for the connection within a home.

The place that once served as a stopping ground between school drop offs, basketball practice, business meetings, shopping trips, movie runs, gym workouts, grocery shopping, and so on, has now become the refuge from the storm.

The home has become the safe haven and is unfolding as the resting ground.

Families that once spent minutes together are now immersed in endless time together.

Hearts that were once hardened and proud are not softened and broken.

In a world where God was once an afterthought, God is now a main thought.

When prayers were once quickly said over food, or mindlessly spoken before bed; they have become deep meaningful pleas.

Prayers for food to return, for families to be united, for businesses to keep producing, for lives to be saved.

Deep soul prayers are now uttered multiple times a day begging for a relief from the fear of the unknown.


The world has changed in 14 days.


The fear is real.

The panic warranted.

The anxiety acknowledged.

And yes- we will be ok.

As families heal, as hearts find God, as Mother Earth rests for a second and finds her time to heal; we will be ok.

We will come back with strength.

We will come back with faith that has been made new, with love that has been reborn and gratitude that will spill over.

May this time of the unknown be a time of rest and healing.

Let it be a time when you find yourself on your knees seeking to hear the voice of an ever-loving God who will always take care of you.

Let it be a time when you snuggle your loved ones and remember how much they are held within your heart.

Let this be a time of learning, of awakening, of seeking and finding.

Let this time be one that forever changes humanity in a way that ushers in light, peace and truth.

Let this be the newness that our world was grieving to have.

Let this be.

Let this be.

And so, it is.

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Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen

Written by Keira Poulsen

Keira is a spiritual entrepreneurship coach, and the founder of Freedom House Publishing Co. She helps women write, publish and create successful businesses.

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