Opening the Gates to the Age of the Prophetess

Keira Poulsen
3 min readFeb 23, 2021


Image: Casey Horner

It is the Age of the Prophetess.

From the beginning of time, God has spoken to man through the written word. The Bible, the Quran, the Book of Mormon, and the Tao Te Ching are just a few examples.

This is how God has spoken to humans in the past. It has been the source and history of all of man’s dealings with God.

But a shift has recently occurred.

It is one that I have both seen and felt personally.

It is a new age — a time like never before. An opening has been made and a space has been cleared for the age of the prophetess.

Now is the time when light is being poured down to the earth through women. And more importantly, now is the time when women are finally safe to share their truth with the world and be received.

There has never been a time like this before.

In the past, women were beaten for speaking truth, burned as witches, or shunned for stepping into a role that “wasn’t theirs.”

But those women have cleared the pathway for us.

Their suffering has created this time and this place for women to rise and speak.

To be heard.

To be received in our truth.

It is the Age of the Prophetess.

It is the age where women are empowered by their own innate gifts and inspired with deep and powerful truths that the world needs.

It is no longer time to hide.

Instead, it is time to bring our light out in the form we know and understand… through the written word.

There is a vision that I see. It is one of women everywhere, of all religions, races, and continents being taught light.

I see women who make space for prayer and deep reflection.

Women who hold sacred space to commune with The Divine. Their hearts are soft and open, and they are seeking truth — desiring to know MORE.

And because they seek, they receive.

They are receiving truths that this world needs. They are learning new ways, new principles, and new ideas.

Right now, I speak to these women.

I speak to those of you who have been called to Lead in Light.

Those of you who know in your soul that you are a messenger for what you have learned.

You are a prophetess of light.

You are here to bring this light down to earth to aid in the transformation of humanity.

And it is now safe to do so.

The path has been cleared for you.

The women who came before you stand on either side of the path, holding the doors open for you.

Now is the time.

It is the time for you to do what has been done since the very beginning. It is time to write the words that you have been taught. It is time to put your words and messages into a book, to share and document them for generations to come.

It is a tragedy when light has been taught but never flows out to those who need it.

So today, I am inviting you to be the vessel for this light, that it may flow like the golden river of truth that it is, nourishing and nurturing humanity.

With open palms and eyes looking up to the heavens, there is a waterfall of light that is being poured down upon us, right here and right now.

Those who are seeking will receive it.

And those who receive it are invited to share it.

The age of the Prophetess is coming alive, and it will impact our world for good.

Mothers, healers, lightworkers, guides, and leaders around the globe are being asked to rise up and share.

Be the conduit for this message.

Be the activators for this earth.

For this is a new time.

The Age of the Prophetess.

Are you ready to write your book?

Click here to the Guide on How to Spiritually Write and Create Your Book.



Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen

Written by Keira Poulsen

Keira is a spiritual entrepreneurship coach, and the founder of Freedom House Publishing Co. She helps women write, publish and create successful businesses.

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