Sacred Collaboration for Success
The definition of collaboration is: the action of working with someone to produce or create something.
Collaborating is one of my favorite aspects of creation.
I have been lucky enough to collaborate with brilliant artists, such as Marni Butikofer, who illustrated my most recent book, and the extraordinary oil painter Brittany Scott, who has been painting the vision I had of the Divine Mother.
I am given distinct visions in my mind, but I do not have the ability to bring them into physical form. These talented and gifted women were able to do what I could not do. They filled the gap for me.
It is only in the collaboration with Marni that my dream of my book, “Rise Up and Awaken to the Joy of Being Human,” could exist.
And the vision I received of the Divine Mother would live only in my heart if it wasn’t for Brittany.
These two women have been able to do something I could never do because this is their realm of genius.
And this is an area that I lack.
Collaborating is powerful work. It allows for us to connect with our own individual zones of genius to others’ place of genius.
This is the realm where true magic and creation is born.
But the world has overused the word collaboration. It is now seen as a just a trend on social media. While collaborating on social media is a great way to market your work, it has taken away from the true meaning and sense of the word.
There is a sacred way to collaborate — a deeper way. One that leaves everyone who is involved with more insight, more inspiration, and a profound sense of gratitude.
I have felt this when I prayed and asked God who should paint the vision I received of the Divine Mother.
The name of an artist I didn’t know came to my mind. I remember looking her up and nervously asking her if she would paint this vision for me. I remember how natural it felt to book a plane flight to her home and knowing, deep inside, that this was a sacred collaboration — a collaboration guided by God.
I also remember the fear that hit me as I sat on the plane and realized I was flying to a stranger’s home. I was flying to a place I had never been to meet someone I didn’t know only because of an insight I had received.
But then… I felt peace come over me. I knew this was guided. I knew we would be guided.
And we were.
What happened during those 3 days in Brittany’s art studio were some of the most sacred days of my life. We spent more time in prayer then we did painting. We opened up to receive the painting that needed to come through us.
And it isn’t over yet. I still pray daily that this painting will come to life. I pray for Brittany — for her life and her gifts.
This is sacred collaboration — being led and guided to work with those whose gifts, when combined with your gifts, will create FIRE.
I believe that one of the most sacred collaborations is with God.
We can actually collaborate with God on everything we do. Mothering, business, writing, our marriages, our health, and anything else you can think of. God fills the gap on all things.
Wherever you have a gap, God has the gifts to fill it. So, it makes the most sense that God would be our first choice for a collaboration partner, right?
But for many people, God is a only distant and vague idea; an unreachable Deity.
The truth is, God is here. God is all around us, within us, and ready to connect when we are. God created all, so wouldn’t it make sense that we reach out to the creator of all things when we need help?
When I decided that I was going to take Freedom House Publishing Co. to a million-dollar company in 12 months, the first thing I did was hire a coach who has already taken companies to a million dollars in 12 months.
We want to work with those who know what we don’t know. We want to collaborate with those who fill in the holes. And, for me, God is the highest level of collaborator out there.
So, how do you begin collaborating with God?
1. The first step is talking with God.
For me, this is done through prayer and true listening.
I do this every morning when I ask God questions and then I physically open the palms of my hands, close my eyes, and trust that I will receive an answer.
You would never ask a question to a friend and then turn around and start doing something else before they answered.
And so it is with receiving from God.
Many people ask and ask, but they never take the time to receive.
I am very visual, which is why I physically open my palms to receive. It is how I quiet my mind and allow for answers to come.
This is one way that I believe we can begin collaborating with God — by asking and then opening up to receive.
(I teach this practice in my Altar Tool class. I will link it at the bottom if you would like to go deeper into this particular practice.)
2. The second way to collaborate with God is to ask for answers or visions in your sleep.
Thomas Edison said, “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” Napoleon Hill taught us this exact same principle in his famous book “Think and Grow Rich.” And I have been taught this over and over by my coach Benjamin Hardy.
But instead of the request to my subconscious, it is a request to God.
I have found that if I spend a few minutes before bed writing down 3 gratitudes and 3 gains for the day before asking for one thing to be shown to me in my sleep, I receive an answer. Sometimes it shows up in a dream. Other times when I wake up, I have an idea pop into my head with the answer.
We can be taught at all times from The Divine if we choose to ask and are open to receive.
3. The third way to collaborate with God is through writing.
I don’t mean just sitting down and writing anything. I mean sacred writing.
Pray for what you need guidance with and for the request that will lead you to the answer you need. And then, sit down and write.
Write with nowhere to go. Write with no agenda. Write to write. Let words come from your fingers. And allow this ancient way of receiving be how you collaborate with God.
This is how all of the great leaders received from God in ancient times. This is the form in which all the holy texts in every faith have been received.
So, why not use a method that has been working for centuries?
Allow the gift of writing, combined with a deep prayer of asking, be a channel in which you collaborate with God.
If you are ready to expand in any area of your life, then sacred collaboration with God is the fastest way to achieve it.
Try one of these tools for the next 5 days. Practice with them. They might feel weird at first, but it is only because they are out of the “norm.” But when we want to live extraordinary lives, we need to do things that are out of the “norm.”
Trust that your higher self knows these methods. Trust that God knows you. And trust that God is always willing to collaborate.