Why Writing Your Book Will Change Your Life
I believe that writing your book will change your life.
But not in the way you think.
Many people will tell you that writing a book will change your life. They will tell you that it will elevate your business or that it will make you a thought leader. They might even tell you about the millions of lives you’ll impact with your book.
And, while all of this is true, it is not what I am talking about.
I’m talking about a full liberation that will occur in your life when you write your book.
I’m talking about the discovery of energetic pathways that will lead you to new spaces of joy and freedom when you write your book.
I believe that when you finally say yes to the book within you — your life will change.
Many of the women I coach find that they feel caged when they say no to the book inside of them. Life begins to feel heavy. Pathways seem cloudy. And, of course, self-doubt takes the driver’s seat in their life.
But, as soon as they say yes to receiving the book, they begin to feel free!
And, when they finish writing it and say yes to becoming a published author, miracles happen in their life.
I recently helped publish a first-time author who, after she held her newly published book, texted me to say, “I felt that I gave up on everything, and in my last breath, I emailed you to publish my book. I’m not the same since that moment!”
Just the action of her saying yes to publishing her book changed her life!
She told me later that life had gotten cloudy for her, but when she moved forward with publishing, everything became clearer.
This is not the only story like this.
It is my story as well.
When I wrote my first book, I had a tiny dream of making a difference in the world.
And that’s it.
No business plan; no ideas. Just a dream and passion to bring light to the world.
And then this book appeared.
It showed up out of nowhere asking me to write it.
I had no intention of ever being an author.
I certainly didn’t feel qualified.
But I followed the nudge in my soul and wrote the book.
To be specific, the book actually wrote itself. I was just the person who received it.
Once I finished my book and published it, new pathways unfolded in my life that I never could have imagined!
I saw a vision of having a coaching business — which then began immediately. That business soon turned into digital courses, a podcast, running a mastermind group, summits, and launching my very own publishing house for women.
My first book was the door that opened these paths.
When we say yes to the book that wants to come through us, we are saying yes to the unknown.
And the unknown is the place where miracles exist.
It is where you will feel liberated.
Many people will tell you to write your book. But I am here inviting you to change your life.
There is more waiting for you.
And when you say yes to the book — you open yourself up to receive all of the goodness that is there.
If you are ready to write your book, I invite you to join my “How to Write Your Book in 2 Months” Program- for a discount- HERE.