Words to Shift Your World
In the words of my favorite and most beloved author, Florence Scovel Shinn, “Your word is your wand. The words you speak create your own destiny.”
I have found this to be true time and time again.
There have been times when I watched the power of my words create dead ends and a fear-based reality.
And there have been times when I have witnessed my words create magic, wonder, and miracles.
Our words are so deeply important. And yet, we treat them like disposable items with little or no value. It is easy to say words loosely, because this is the trend. It is easy to speak negatively, because that is what we are used to hearing.
It is uncommon to run into an old friend and hear them relate all of the brilliant and amazing things they are doing in the world. It is much more common to hear about their stressful, busy lives. It is easy to hear about fears and struggles.
But we have the power to create the world we want by simply noticing our words.
As I work with women who are thought-leaders, authors, creators, and entrepreneurs, I find that when self-doubt and negative self-talk creeps into their minds and out of their mouths, depression and anxiety come with it.
But when these same women speak TRUTHS about themselves — truths of who their future-self will be, truths of their gifts, their purpose, and their passion — they ride the river of momentum with joy and light.
All by simply changing the words that come out of their mouths.
One way to speak new truths is to speak mantras that wake up your soul and spark inspiration, insight, and excitement.
How do you discover these mantras?
I have found that there are authors and writers who have words that shake my heart with light. Florence Scovel Shinn is the master of mantras that wake up my heart and fill me with peace and joy. I also love Marianne Williamson and her powerful words of truth.
Using the words of beloved writers is a great way to discover mantras. But I have discovered that the quickest way for me to find a mantra specifically designed for the exact shift I want is given to me from the Divine in my sacred space.
I have learned that if I can pray, ask for guidance in the area I am struggling, and then put my pen to the paper — words will come out.
And not just any words, but words that are for me. Words that are meant for that exact moment.
And they begin the transformation within me.
Last week, as I was in my sacred space doing my daily healing practice, I went into prayer, seeking words to create something NEW. And these words came through my hands:
I am a woman of success.
Every decision I make is right.
Every decision I make takes me to the next right action and leads me to where I need to go.
I am now free from others’ choices and actions.
I am only responsible for my choices and my actions.
I am a sovereign being of light.
I now release others to be themselves and to walk their paths of their own agency.
I am free.
I am a success.
I am my own being.
This mantra is a powerful mantra to say when you are:
☑️ feeling self-doubt
☑️ taking on others’ emotions
☑️ struggling with fear
And when you are READY to expand into SUCCESS and FREEDOM, I invite you to use these words (if they call to your soul). Find mantras that call to you and invite you to expand into a new truth. Because when you speak these new truths, you will see that your words have profound power.
Your words are your wand to create ANY life you want. Choose them with love.
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If you would like to learn how to create Sacred Space, you can get access to my 7 day training for free Here!